My story
Hello Honeys!
My name is Laura. Thank you for exploring my website. I am very grateful to share my story with you.
I am a traveling bee guardian, a water expert, and a plant & fungi medicine advocate. My adventure with honeybees started in Hawai’i in 2013. It was there that honeybees became my greatest teachers, and I learned on a deeper level how connected everything is in this hive we call planet Earth.
In 2015, I created the Honey Huntress. My vision was (and is) to travel the world to work with beekeepers near and far, old and new, keeping the story of honeybees alive. I have since worked with honeybees on the islands of Maui and Hawai’i, in Wisconsin, and Colorado. I continue to work hard to create these sweet adventures and teach others about the importance of pollinators, organic farming, and clean water.
At the beginning of 2019, I started my own online business as a Kangen Water Machine Distributor. I suffered from chronic IBS and debilitating flare-ups in my gut that would send me to the hospital. This water changed my life, and I am passionate about teaching others the benefits of drinking Electrolyzed Reduced Water (ERW).
Currently, I have just launched my line of Mushroom Honeys! These raw, creamed honeys are blended with bioavailable mushroom infusions as well as organic herbs and spices, creating a sacred and sweet medicine and superfood. I am blessed to create and share this sweetness with you.
These endeavors have brought me true abundance with health, wealth, and friendships… and I am so excited to do the abunDANCE with you!
Thank you for caring about your health and the honeybees!
“of course i want to be successful
but i don’t crave success for me
i need to be successful to gain
enough milk and honey
to help those around
me succeed”